Microgels at fluid interfaces
Spontaneous adsorption of microgels at oil-water interfaces leads to remarkable effects, such as the deformation upon adsorption, concentration gradients within the microgels, etc. In this project we will investigate what distinguishes microgels from particles and macromolecules, respectively. We study the influence of microgel architecture and chemical composition on their behavior at fluid interfaces. We will synthesize hydrophilic highly branched polymers and microgels with anisotropic shape and investigate highly compressed monolayers of these polymers and microgels. We combine synthesis, physico-chemical experiments and computer simulations.
Principle Investigators
Richtering, Walter, Prof. Dr.
Institute of Physical Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University
+49 241 80 94760
Potemkin, Igor, Prof. Dr.
DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials
and M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
+49 241 80 23308
Rodriguez-Emmenegger, Cesar, Dr. rer. nat.
DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials
RWTH Aachen University
+49 241 80 23362